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COVID-19 continues to alter daily life, the need for organizations to have a viable Digital Transformation strategy is as important as ever. The traditional way of doing business must be reimagined, to ensure the company’s competitive advantage, efficiency, and profitability.

What Is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is what’s happening to organizations as they adopt new and innovative ways to do business based on technological advances. It’s the process of fundamentally changing something using digital tools, adopting technology to improve or replace whatever existed before.


What Are
Potential Results?

Digital transformation isn’t a product or solution to be purchased, it’s highly unique and may affect all aspects of your business or even alter the entire business model.


Product and service innovation

Technologies, like industrial IoT and augmented reality, open opportunities to improve customer success, deliver personalized experiences, customizable products, and exceptional service.


Manufacturing efficiency

Identifying ways to improve operational efficiency, reduce manufacturing costs, accelerate time to market, and ensure quality, are pillars of the industry. With digital transformation, the journey to these goals has accelerated.


Data-driven solutions

In product design, every change and iteration matters; it costs time and money, but it is a necessary process to get a high-quality result. The creation of a seamless data and model centric workflow enables data-driven decisions and helps enterprises to innovate quickly.


Cultural transformation

Best-in-class corporations recognize digital requires agile workflows, a bias toward testing and learning, decentralized decision-making, and a greater reliance on business ecosystems.


We’ve gained ample experience in app development for a wide range of industries, making our solutions compliant with the specific requirements.

Staff Augmentation
We provide teams capable of increasing the velocity of your development or extending your technical capabilities.
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Healthcare industry manifested substantial growth in the age of technology and mobile healthcare is among the most dynamic categories on the app market today.
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Fitness and Wellness
Gain insights into our development process and see how we create best in class, custom applications for the Health and Fitness industries.
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We have vast expertise in many other areas — Automotive, Sales, Entertainment, Social Networking, and can help our customers with a project of any scale and complexity.
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Some Stats

375 million workers globally could be useless in their jobs by 2030 thanks to automation

McKinsey Quarterly,

Companies who execute digital strategies boost their profit margin by 57%

S&P Capital IQ, Keystone
Strategy Analysis

45% of executives expect digital to grow their revenue, and 25% expect digital to create better customer experiences

PWC, 2017

Worldwide spending on technologies and services that enable digital transformation will reach $1.97 trillion in 2022


Michael Donofrio

President of Mercury Development

“Digital transformation is a radical rethinking of how an organization uses technology, people, and processes. We can assist your traditional brick-n-mortar business transition to a modern digital business — whether you are in the earliest planning stages or have already started the process”

Five Steps to Transform
your Buisness

Not every organization was born digital, but most can still transform their business. Here are 5 steps you should take that digital leaders use.

Find Partner

To compete in today’s market, you need more than technology. You need a professional team who can help you with assessment of your organization’s maturity and show you the steps you need to take on your path to digital transformation.

Identify Strategy

The first thing a company should do is answer the critical question: What business outcomes do you want to achieve for customers and what new business models you’re going after?

Analyze Current

Are you still relying on monolithic stacks of traditional software? Are your developers working in public cloud environments or in-house installments? Are you still reliant on paper processes? Wherever you are, that’s where you start.

Propose Plan

A digital transformation plan varies widely based on the organization’s specific challenges and demands. In order to succeed, it’s vitally important to address the whole environment, while keeping time, budget and resource restrictions in mind.

Develop Solution

Mercury enjoys 21 years of experience and more than 1500 successfully completed projects for various platforms. We’ll help you to get from where you are to where you want to be using comprehensive, cost-effective solutions.

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